489 Groups Support Passage of the Farm Bill
The following letter was drafted by the American Farm Bureau Federation urging the passage of the farm bill. The letter was sent to the House of Representatives December 12, 2018 in an effort for swift action on the floor. In total, 489 groups signed the letter in support the legislation; the ICBSD is one of them. The House of Representatives passed the bipartisan bill on Wednesday. The legislation already passed the Senate on Tuesday and is now headed to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it. The Senate vote for the bill was 87-13.
December 12, 2018
The Honorable
United States House
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative:
The undersigned organizations would like to express our support for H.R. 2, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, and urge its adoption.
This farm bill supports farmers and ranchers, protects crop insurance and conservation programs, invests in efforts to expand foreign markets, protects animal health and prioritizes agricultural research and rural development. This bill is critical to providing all stakeholders, including farmers, ranchers and consumers, with consistent policy for the next five years as well as the sectors and industries that rely on them.
American rural economies are struggling in the face of successive years of declining prices, high and rising foreign tariffs and subsidies, and the unpredictability of Mother Nature. This farm bill helps address these and countless other issues to ensure farmers, ranchers, and rural America can survive these difficult times.
Your support is key to enacting this important piece of legislation. We respectfully urge you to vote “yes” on H.R. 2.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Ag New Mexico, Farm Credit Services, ACA
AgCarolina Farm Credit, ACA
AgChoice Farm Credit, ACA
AgCountry Farm Credit Services, ACA
AgCredit, ACA
AgFirst Farm Credit Bank
AgGeorgia Farm Credit, ACA
AgHeritage Farm Credit Services, ACA
AgPreference, ACA
AgriBank, FCB
Agricultural Council of Arkansas
AgSouth Farm Credit, ACA
AgTexas Farm Credit Services
AgVantis, Inc.
Alabama Ag Credit, ACA
Alabama Cotton Commission
Alabama Farm Credit, ACA
Alabama Farmers Federation
Alabama Independent Insurance Agents Association
Alabama Peanut Producers Association
Alaska Farm Bureau, Inc.
Amalgamated Sugar Company LLC
American AgCredit, ACA
American Agri-Women
American Association of Crop Insurers
American Bankers Association
American Beekeeping Federation
American Beverage Association
American Cotton Shippers Association
American Crystal Sugar Company
American Farm Bureau Federation
American Farmland Trust
American Malting Barley Association
American Pulse Association
American Seed Trade Association
American Sheep Industry
American Society of Agronomy
American Society of Animal Science
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
American Soybean Association
American Sugar Alliance
American Sugar Cane League
American Sugarbeet Growers Association
American Veterinary Medical Association
American Water Works Association
American Wood Council
Anderson’s Maple Syrup, Inc.
Animal Health Institute
ArborOne Farm Credit
ArborOne, ACA
Arizona Cotton Growers Association
Arizona Farm Bureau Federation
Arkansas Cattlemen’s Association
Arkansas Community Bankers
Arkansas Cotton Warehouse Association
Arkansas Farm Bureau
Arkansas Forestry Association
Arkansas Rice Federation
Association of American Universities
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
Association of Equipment Manufacturers
Bascom Maple Farms, Inc.
Big I New Jersey
Big I New York
Biotechnology Innovation Organization
Blackland Cotton and Grain Producers, Inc.
Calcot, LTD
California Association of Wheat Growers
California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association
California Farm Bureau Federation
Cape Fear Farm Credit, ACA
Capital Farm Credit, ACA
Carolina Farm Credit, ACA
Catfish Farmers of Arkansas
Central Kentucky, ACA
Central Texas Farm Credit, ACA
Cherry Marketing Institute
Clemson University Extension
CoBank, ACB
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois
Colonial Farm Credit, ACA
Colorado Association of Wheat Growers
Colorado Corn Growers Association
Colorado Farm Bureau
Colorado Sorghum Association
Community Bankers Association of Georgia
Community Bankers Association of Illinois
Community Bankers Association of Kansas
Community Bankers Association of Ohio
Community Bankers of Michigan
Compeer Financial, ACA
Connecticut Farm Bureau Association
Corn Growers of North Carolina
Corn Refiners Association
Cotton and Grain Producers of Lower Rio Grande Valley
Cotton Growers Cooperative
Cotton Growers Warehouse Association
Cotton Producers of Missouri
Cotton Warehouse Association of America
Cottonseed and Feed Association
Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau
Crop Insurance Professionals Association
Crop Science Society of America
Dairy Farmers of America-Michigan
Delaware Farm Bureau
Delta Agricultural Credit Association
Delta Council
Ducks Unlimited
Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative
Entomological Society of America
Farm Credit Bank of Texas
Farm Credit Council
Farm Credit East, ACA
Farm Credit Illinois, ACA
Farm Credit Mid-America, ACA
Farm Credit Midsouth, ACA
Farm Credit of Central Florida, ACA
Farm Credit of Enid, ACA
Farm Credit of Florida, ACA
Farm Credit of New Mexico, ACA
Farm Credit of Northwest Florida, ACA
Farm Credit of Southern Colorado, ACA
Farm Credit of the Virginias, ACA
Farm Credit of Western Kansas, ACA
Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma, ACA
Farm Credit Services of America, ACA
Farm Credit Services of Colusa-Glenn, ACA
Farm Credit Services of Hawaii, ACA
Farm Credit Services of Mandan, ACA
Farm Credit Services of North Dakota, ACA
Farm Credit Services of Western Arkansas, ACA
Farm Credit Southeast Missouri, ACA
Farm Journal Foundation
FCS Financial, ACA
First South Farm Credit, ACA
Florida Association of Insurance Agents
Florida Cattlemen’s Association
Florida Citrus Mutual
Florida Farm Bureau Federation
Florida Peanut Producers Association
Florida Sugar Cane League
Food Producers of Idaho
Fresno-Madera Farm Credit, ACA
Frontier Farm Credit, ACA
Georgia Agribusiness Council
Georgia Bankers Association
Georgia Cattlemen’s Association
Georgia Cotton Commission
Georgia Farm Bureau
Georgia Forestry Association
Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association
Georgia Peanut Commission
Georgia Poultry Federation
Georgia/Florida Soybean Associations
Glades Crop Care, Inc.
Global Cold Chain Alliance
Golden State Farm Credit, ACA
Great Plains Canola Association
GreenStone Farm Credit Services, ACA
Harvest Land Co-op
Heritage Land Bank, ACA
High Plains Farm Credit, ACA
Hill Country Conservancy
Idaho AgCredit, ACA
Idaho Alfalfa/Clover Seed Commission
Idaho Alfalfa/Clover Seed Growers Association
Idaho Association of Soil Conservation Districts
Idaho Cooperative Council, Inc.
Idaho Dairymen’s Association
Idaho Farm Bureau Federation
Idaho Grain Producers Association
Idaho Hay & Forage Association
Idaho Honey Industry Association
Idaho Oilseed Commission
Idaho Onion Growers’ Association
Idaho Weed Control Association
Illinois Farm Bureau
Illinois Soybean Growers
Independent Bankers Association of New York State
Independent Bankers Association of Texas
Independent Bankers of Colorado
Independent Banks of South Carolina
Independent Community Bankers Association of New Mexico
Independent Community Bankers of America
Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota
Independent Community Bankers of South Dakota
Independent Community Banks of North Dakota
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of South Carolina
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Arizona
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of California
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Idaho
Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Oregon
Independent Insurance Agents Association of Montana
Independent Insurance Agents of Arkansas
Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut
Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois
Independent Insurance Agents of Indiana
Independent Insurance Agents of Iowa
Independent Insurance Agents of Maryland
Independent Insurance Agents of Mississippi
Independent Insurance Agents of Nebraska
Independent Insurance Agents of New Mexico
Independent Insurance Agents of North Dakota
Independent Insurance Agents of Rhode Island
Independent Insurance Agents of South Dakota
Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia
Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin
Indiana Bankers Association
Indiana Corn Growers Association
Indiana Farm Bureau
Indiana Soybean Alliance
Insurance Agents & Brokers of Delaware
Insurance Agents & Brokers of Pennsylvania
International Dairy Foods Association
International Maple Syrup Institute
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
Iowa Soybean Association
IR-4 Project
Kansas Association of Wheat Growers
Kansas Cotton Association
Kansas Farm Bureau
Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association
Kansas Soybean Association
Kansas State University
Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association
Kentucky Corn Growers Association
Kentucky Dairy Development Council
Kentucky Farm Bureau
Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council
Kentucky Pork Producers Association
Kentucky Poultry Federation
Kentucky Sheep and Goat Association
Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association
Kentucky Soybean Association
Kentucky Woodland Owners Association
Land O’Lakes, Inc.
Legacy Ag Credit, ACA
Livestock Marketing Association
Lone Star, ACA
Louisiana Cotton and Grain Association
Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation
Louisiana Independent Rice Producers Association
Louisiana Independent Warehouse Association
Louisiana Land Bank, ACA
MACMA Processing Apple Growers
MACMA Processing Asparagus Growers
Maine Farm Bureau
Maine Insurance Agents Association
Maine Maple Products, Inc.
Maple Syrup Producers Association of Connecticut
Maryland Farm Bureau
Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents
MBG Marketing, The Blueberry People
Metro Detroit Flower Growers Association
Michigan Ag Commodities
Michigan Allied Poultry Industries
Michigan Apple Association
Michigan Aquaculture Association
Michigan Asparagus Research Committee
Michigan Association of Insurance Agents
Michigan Bean Commission
Michigan Cattlemen’s Association
Michigan Christmas Tree Association
Michigan Corn Growers Association
Michigan Equine Partnership
Michigan Farm Bureau
Michigan Food Processors Association
Michigan Great Lakes International
Michigan Greenhouse Growers Council
Michigan Milk Producers Association
Michigan Nursery Lawn and Landscape Association
Michigan Pork Producers Association
Michigan Sheep Producers Association
Michigan Soybean Association
Michigan State University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Michigan Sugar Company
Michigan Vegetable Council
MidAtlantic Farm Credit, ACA
Mid-Atlantic Soybean Association
Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative
Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers
Minnesota Barley Growers Association
Minnesota Corn Growers Association
Minnesota Farm Bureau
Minnesota Soybean Growers Association
Mississippi Beekeepers Association
Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association
Mississippi Corn Growers Association
Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation
Mississippi Land Bank, ACA
Mississippi Peanut Growers Association
Mississippi Poultry Association
Mississippi Rice Council
Mississippi Soybean Association
Missouri Association of Insurance Agents
Missouri Farm Bureau
Missouri Independent Bankers Association
Missouri Soybean Association
Montana Association of Wheat Growers
Montana Farm Bureau Federation
National All-Jersey Inc.
National Association for the Advancement of Animal Science
National Association of Conservation Districts
National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
National Association of Plant Breeders
National Association of Professional Insurance Agents
National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
National Association of Wheat Growers
National Barley Growers Association
National Barley Improvement Committee
National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative
National Coalition for Food and Agricultural Research
National Corn Growers Association
National Cotton Council
National Cotton Ginners Association
National Cottonseed Products Association
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
National Council of Textile Organizations
National Crop Insurance Services
National Farmers Union
National Grain and Feed Association
National Milk Producers Federation
National Oilseed Processors Association
National Onion Association
National Peach Council
National Pork Producers Council
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
National Rural Lenders
National Sorghum Producers
National Sunflower Association
Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation
Nebraska Independent Community Bankers
Nebraska Soybean Association
Nebraska Wheat Growers Association
New Hampshire Farm Bureau
New Hampshire Maple Producers Association
New Jersey Farm Bureau
New Mexico Sorghum Association
New York Corn and Soybean Growers Association
New York Farm Bureau
Nezperce Prairie Grass Growers Association
Non-Land-Grant Agriculture and Renewable Resources Universities
North Carolina Agribusiness Council, Inc
North Carolina Cattlemen’s Association
North Carolina Cotton Producers Association
North Carolina Farm Bureau
North Carolina Peanut Growers Association
North Carolina Pork Council
North Carolina Small Grain Growers Association
North Carolina Soybean Producers Association
North Carolina State University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission
North Dakota Farm Bureau
North Dakota Grain Growers Association
North Dakota Soybean Growers Association
Northeast Dairy Farmers Cooperatives
Northern Canola Growers Association
Northern Pulse Growers Association
Northwest Farm Credit Services, ACA
Ohio Corn and Wheat Association
Ohio Farm Bureau Federation
Ohio Insurance Agents Association
Ohio Soybean Association
Oklahoma AgCredit, ACA
Oklahoma Cotton Council
Oklahoma Farm Bureau
Oklahoma Sorghum Association
Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association
Oregon Bankers Association
Oregon Farm Bureau Federation
Oregon Wheat Growers League
Pacific Northwest Canola Association
Palmetto AgriBusiness Council
Panhandle Peanut Growers Association
Penn State University
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau
Pheasants Forever
Plains Cotton Cooperative Association
Plains Cotton Growers, Inc.
Plains Land Bank, FLCA
Pollinator Partnership
Potato Growers of Michigan
Prairie Water User Group
Premier Farm Credit, ACA
Produce Marketing Association
Puerto Rico Farm Credit, ACA
Purdue University
Quail Forever
Rain and Hail Insurance Society
Reinsurance Association of America
Rhode Island Farm Bureau Federation
Rice Producers of California
Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers
River Valley AgCredit, ACA
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rolling Plains Cotton Growers, Inc.
Rural Community Insurance Services
San Joaquin Valley Quality Cotton Growers Association
Select Milk Producers, Inc.
Sidney Sugars Incorporated
Society of American Florists
Soil Science Society of America
South Carolina Cotton Board
South Carolina Farm Bureau
South Carolina Peach Council
South Dakota Farm Bureau
South Dakota Wheat Incorporated
South East Dairy Farmers Association
South Texas Cotton and Grain Association
Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association
Southern AgCredit, ACA
Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
Southern Cotton Growers, Inc.
Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative
Southern Peanut Farmers Federation
Southern Rolling Plains Cotton Growers Association
Southwest Council of Agribusiness
Southwest Georgia Farm Credit, ACA
Spreckels Sugar Company
St. Lawrence Cotton Growers Association
Staplcotn Coop Association
Supporters of Agricultural Research (SoAR) Foundation
Sustainable Food Policy Alliance
Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation
Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council
Texas Agricultural Irrigation Association
Texas Cattle Feeders Association
Texas Citrus Mutual
Texas Corn Producers Association
Texas Farm Bureau
Texas Farm Credit Services
Texas Grain and Feed Association
Texas Grain Sorghum Association
Texas Pecan Growers Association
Texas Rice Council
Texas Rice Producers Legislative Group
Texas Seed Trade Association
Texas Soybean Association
Texas Wheat Producers Association
The Fertilizer Institute
The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America
U.S. Apple Association
U.S. Pea and Lentil Trade Association
United Dairymen of Arizona
United Fresh Produce Association
United Onions USA, Inc.
University of Tennessee at Martin College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
US Beet Sugar Association
US Canola Association
US Dry Bean Council
US Rice Producers Association
US Sweet Potato Council
USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council
USA Rice
Vermont Farm Bureau
Vermont Insurance Agents Association
Virginia Agribusiness Council
Virginia Cotton Growers Association
Virginia Farm Bureau
Virginia Soybean Association
Washington Association of Wheat Growers
Washington Farm Bureau
Washington State Potato Commission
Washington State Sheep Producers
Washington State University
Washington State University, CAHNRS
Washington State University, College of Veterinary Medicine
Weed Science Society of America
Western AgCredit, ACA
Western Equipment Dealers Association
Western Growers
Western Peanut Growers Association
Western Pulse Growers Association
Western Sugar Cooperative
Western United Dairymen
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation
Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association
Wisconsin Soybean Association
Women Involved in Farm Economics
Wyoming Sugar Company, LLC
Wyoming Wheat Growers Association
Yankee Farm Credit, ACA
Yosemite Farm Credit, ACA
Yuma Fresh Vegetable Association
Zurich North America