Completing the TRID Loan Estimate Line-by-Line

  • by ICBSD
  • Jun 10, 2020
  • 0

Date(s) - 06/10/2020
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Completing the TRID Loan Estimate Line-by-Line

Don't miss this webinar.

Is your institution due for a TRID checkup? Have you accounted for recent construction loan guidance? Attend this jam-packed webinar for a thorough review of best practices, examiner expectations, and information about the latest TRID-related developments.


  • $230 – Live Webinar
  • $230 – Recorded Webinar + Free Digital Download
  • $350 – BOTH Live Webinar and Recorded Webinar + Free Digital Download


For some, complying with the integrated disclosure rules (TRID) has been much like planning for and raising children. We read all the books (regulations) and attended classes. We vetted the best systems and talked to peers to see what they were using. Then, on October 3, 2015, the rules went into effect, and just like with parenting, no one (systems providers, bankers, examiners) was really prepared. Fast-forward a few years and the TRID rules continue to grow and evolve with recent guidance for construction loans. Examiners are focusing on disclosures and processes to ensure you are providing accurate documents to applicants and borrowers.

This session will review sample integrated disclosures for fixed rate, adjustable rate, and construction loans. It will cover the regulatory requirements, dive into the guidance, and review common errors when completing the Loan Estimate.

Attendance certificate provided to self-report CE credits.


This informative session is designed for loan officers, loan operations personnel, compliance officers, and internal auditors.