Committed to Execution and Vision

—Megan Olson,President & CEO, ICBSD

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been six years since I first met with the leadership bankers of ICBSD to discuss their search for an association President. In our many individual and group conversations, a clear vision for ICBSD emerged, rooted in the association’s long history of tradition and independence. Four key focus areas stood out:

1. Remaining Independent

Founded 40 years ago to be the sole voice of South Dakota’s independent banking industry, maintaining ICBSD’s independence was still deemed crucial, just as it was by its pioneering founders.

2. Advocacy

Expanding ICBSD’s advocacy presence in-state and with federal legislators was deemed extremely important. ICBSD’s leaders recognized the need to directly carry the community bank message to lawmakers as well as the communities they serve.

3. Education

As the primary provider of community banking education in South Dakota, updating educational offerings with forward-thinking curriculum was also named a top priority, as was enhancing the accessibility of ICBSD’s education programs

4. Commitment

It was clear the leadership bankers had a vision for ICBSD’s path. The key question was whether they had the commitment to execute it?

As I reflect six years later, I can say without a doubt they did. At every step, they dedicated their time, talents, and financial support to build ICBSD into their envisioned organization. Their tireless contributions often go uncelebrated, which is why I want to take this moment to thank them for their collective commitment to bringing their vision to fruition. Their focus and steadfast commitment to the vision continues to inspire and guide me. I am honored to have the opportunity to nurture and strengthen the association and execute their vision.

We continue to evaluate and evolve that shared vision for ICBSD. We have an incredible group leading our board, committees, and volunteer efforts. Together, we remain committed to executing this vision to ensure the continued strength and prosperity of community banking in South Dakota.

Looking forward to a great year ahead!