Meet the New ICBSD Chairman of the Board

By: Roger Weber, Chairman of the Board, Market President, CorTrust, Bank Sioux Falls
Thanks to the pandemic, the year 2020 has proven to our local communities, our great state of South Dakota and our nation the vital role independent community banks play within the economy. As we look ahead to 2021, our role as community bankers and also as an association will remain equally important. On a statewide level, new legislation legalizing marijuana will present industry wide compliance and regulatory challenges. Additionally, while I don’t want to admit it, the economic impact of COVid-19 will trickle into 2021 and continue to be felt by businesses, communities and families.
2021 is already shaping up to be a year of obstacles, and with those obstacles comes great opportunities to continue to serve our customers and communities. As chairman, I can assure you the ICBSD will remain committed to providing our membership with the latest news, legislation and developing information. through our nationwide network of industry resources and contacts, the ICBSD will continue to provide members with the education and information needed in order to capitalize on the new opportunities that lie ahead. Similarly, when questions or concerns arise the ICBSD will remain a liaison between members and legislators, allowing your voices to be heard.
It is my honor to be writing to you as Chairman of the ICBSD board of directors. I follow in the footsteps of many community banking leaders who have also served in this position, including four other Cortrust Bankers who came before me – Boyd Hopkins, Jack Hopkins, Terry Torgerson and Lynn Peterson. Cortrust Bank has supported ICBSD from the start, and I look forward to carrying on the tradition!
If you have any questions, you can contact me at